Kentucky Lake, Gilbertsville, Kentucky

Kentucky Lake, Gilbertsville, Kentucky

Utility Finance Links

Kentucky State Data Center for demographic data from the United States Census for the Commonwealth of Kentucky;

FRED is an online economic data repository;

The Social Security Administration publishes Cost of Living Adjustments;

The current Prime Rate is available from;

Treasury (US) Yield Curve Rates for various maturity series are listed at US Treasury Bonds;

The Federal Reserve's Selected Daily Interest Rates for US Treasuries is also helpful in determining the cost of debt for utilities;

The Water Environment Federation (WEF) publishes manuals for use by wastewater and stormwater professionals. Manual of Practice No. 27 provides rate making guidance and techniques for cost allocation;

American Water Works Association (AWWA) publishes manuals for use by water professionals. AWWA Manual M1 is the foremost guide in utility rate making and cost of service studies;

Kentucky Revised Statutes authorize the formation of municipal utilities (KRS 96) and water districts and water associations (KRS 74) for the purpose of providing water (and sewer) service;

PSC-regulated utilities may access filing documents on PSC's website forms for electronic filing;

The Uniform System of Accounting guidelines are also available;

Rainfall data for Kentucky stations is available at NOAA.